Monday, October 6, 2014

Sometimes a Bowl is Not Just a Bowl

The great thing about Empty Bowls is that it links the creative task of glazing a bowl to the educational task of learning about hunger and food insecurity.  We seek to be artists, educators, and activists.  In keeping with these goals, the WMS Empty Bowls Project Committee has decided that we will donate all proceeds to the following organizations:  

Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries: provides 900,000 meals worth of food per year to shoreline CT communities of Essex, Chester, Clinton, Madison, Old Saybrook, East Lyme, Lyme-Old Lyme, Killingworth, Westbrook and Deep River.
End Hunger CT!: advocacy/outreach/education group seeking to eliminate hunger in Connecticut.  Current projects include improving childhood nutrition and facilitating development of school breakfast and summer meal programs in CT.

We think it is important that we support the daily work of those who put food in the hands of others in our community, and it is equally important that we support those who are working for legislation and outreach that will improve access to sustaining, healthy food.  In the words of Jacques Diouf, former United Nations Food and Agriculture Director-general, "Hunger is not an issue of charity.  It is an issue of justice." 


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